It’s irritating to see other people get winning streaks. All their actions become noticeable and you start to think they bring luck. You start to mimic some of their rituals, and surprisingly, you experience winning streaks yourself. When you become a regular at the bingo hall, you can’t help but adapt some superstitions and develop some yourself. You find it hard to explain, but it’s apparent that you win because of them and that’s what matters.
Finding A Lucky Seat
One of the most popular superstitions in bingo is the lucky seat. When you become a regular, you’ll learn to love that particular seat where you’ve won three times straight one Friday afternoon. By looking at the pattern, you might be able to decide which pattern dictates a winning seat. It’s also possible to become a familiar face in the hall, so you can’t help but have strange movements and decisions about which cards to play.
Other players become aware of this and when they see someone go to another seat to win, they’ll follow suit to try and win with that particular seat. By the time they realize their mistake and realize their mistake, the hall is too full to play with everyone filling in and the room being too noisy. So, they socialize somewhere else, sometimes with other people who share the same unfortunate fate as they do.
Goals are sometimes stated as a guideline of what you should accomplish in a certain amount of time. It’s more common to state goals with an accuracy of between one and two goals. If you manage to accomplish three or more goals in the allotted time stated, you’ll have a great win. If you don’t, you’ll still win, but you don’t achieve your objectives as quickly.
The most common guideline in bingo is to only have two separate cards in order to win. This is a very easy to follow guideline. Almost all bingo halls will have a set of cards laid out, and every time the number is called, you have to replace your card(s) according to the number and color of the number.
However, there are some people who will pretend that the bingo hall or someone else told them to pass the card to another player who had it. Of course, most people who do this are telling the truth when they say they were told to pass the card, not that they were instructed to break the law!
Cards Can Be Classified Oblusivly
Classes of cards with different numbers assigned to different letters, like the letter B’s, U’s, N’s, G’s and O’s would be assigned to the numbers 1 to 9. Obviously, as you can see, this leaves many edge spots that are marked.
The pass line is the main straight line or aisle in the bingo room. It’s divided from the sit lower half of the room, called the “fan zone”, by a stretch of what people call “ceiling”. This is the area above and beyond the pass line.
- “Under the Gun”
This is an area just below the limits of the bingo section. People often toss handfuls of bingo chips here to get them out of their way, so they don’t get knocked over by bingo calls.
- “Queen Street”
This is the bingo section in the front of the store marked off by a large sign that reads “Queen Street”. It’s where the “Queen” games are played. This area is lined with bingo covers, or bingo squares with the numbers “Queen”, “King”, and “renowned veterans” on them.
- “Gaming”
This is the bingo section marked off by a sign that says “Afapoker“. It’s the location of the major bingo games such as the 75-ball game, the 90-ball game, and the 50-ball game. At this location you will find bingo lounge games such as the Staff Picks Bingo Card and the Warm Up Bingo.
- “Gut shot”
This is where the bingo players are told to go if they don’t like the number on their bingo card. The bingo lounge has a lounge bench that has a TV that you can put on in front of a bingo monitor that has a camera so people can play Bingo in a restful atmosphere.
- “Greyhounds”
Near the entrance to the bingo lounge there is a section where potential customers can play Bingo with their dogs. The dogs lead to the lounge where they are waited over by bingo lounge chairs.
- “Hearts”
Another section of the bingo lounge.